Unity College's Paintball Club
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General Rules of Play
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General Rules of Play

For those of you just starting out, or those of you that just don't know what you're doing yet...


Here are the general rules of the sport of paintball. Most are based on safety and the club takes them very seriously. All of them should be followed in order to keep the game safe, fun and fair.
Refs are going to become a part of the club's games. Players will get rotated equally from game time to ref time throughout the day. Penalties can be handed out according to the x-ball rules. Check the x-ball link on this site for more details. Scoring and time keeping will not be practiced exactly like x-ball becuase we just do not have the resources for it.
  1. Goggles are not to be taken off while on the field under any circumstances! If your mask falls off for whatever reason put your hands over your face and yell out, mask off!
  2. Barrel plugs should be in barrels until you enter the field area. This may seem like a stupid rule, but I have seen countless accidental shots get fired off in the staging area. This really needs to stop and we're going to start coming down on people who do not use barrel plugs properly (myself included ::blush::).
  3. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CO2 TANKS IN THE CAR!!! CO2 tanks explode! Do not let them heat up in the oven that is your car.
  4. Test fire your marker  from the chrono area from now on. No more lighting up the barrels in the staging area, sorry Lurv.


  1. When you get shot, raise your marker up over your head. Yell OUT! Get your dead ass off the field as quicly as possible in the most direct route possible.
  3. If you're dead, do not give your ammo to teammates. Coaching from the sidelines after you're dead is actually legal, and encouraged. This is a big new part of the x-ball format, so feel free to help your guys out.
  4. If you get shot while making your way off the field, suck it up. Accidents happen and it can be hard to tell when someone is dead or not sometimes.
  5. OVERSHOOTING is a serious problem in the sport of paintball. It is also very hard to prevent. Overshooting is when you shoot your opponent many more times than is needed. I know that sometimes you think your shots miss and you fire again. I know that sometimes coming around a blind corner and just unloading on anything in your way works well. However never should more than 3 shots hit your opponent. If you are found to have a chronic overshooting problem you may be banned from playing with the club again. Paintballs hurt, especially getting over six of them in the back at pointblank range.
  6. NEVER under ANY circumstance is it acceptable to WIPE paint off of your body or gun. If you get hit call yourself out. Wiping is no way to win a game.
  7. Surrendering rule. As of now there is no official surrender rule for the club. If you want to turn the corner and put one in the guys back, go for it. The knife kill bonus is there as some incentive to tag the player out instead of shooting him, but sometimes the shoot and keep running thing works out real well. If you get bunkered, do not sit there and whine about how unfair it is to get shot like that. This is how the pros play, get used to it.
  8. Firing your marker after getting shot is not allowed. Some circumstances can alter this rule. For instance getting hit on the outside edge of your hopper is in a grey area. The player who gets shot usually does not realize they got hit. Penalties will be lessened if its thought the player honestly did not know they were hit.

Interested? Email us at zlehmann@unity.edu